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Purpose of Gismans Asia

The purpose of GISMANs 

  1. Develop public and private personnel involved in mapping the government's single map to provide access to a 1: 4000 1: 1000 scale mapping approach for national development.

  2. Develop personnel in accordance with appropriate curricula for local and regional organizations, both locally and internationally, to implement the 11-step plan,map LTAX3000 tax and property registration in accordance with government policy and the Department of Local Administration.

  3. Development of state-run services according to the 20-year national strategy. This is one of the six major national strategies that the government and the NBC have adopted in accordance with the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan, with the development of human resources or human resources.

  4. For local government organizations to carry out tax mapping and property registration. Use the Ltax 3000 program of the Department of Local Administration to complete the regulations and related directives.

  5. Ltax3000 program of the Department of Local Administration It is a tool to collect income efficiently, accurately, completely and fairly.

  6. To make tax map and property registration of the local government easier, save time, save budget, when completed local personnel can use in the system.

  7. To develop the capacity of personnel to work with the system.

  8. In order to meet the policy of the Department of Local Administration to use the same system throughout the country.

  9. In order to enhance knowledge and understanding on mapping, taxation and property registration, the exchange of knowledge between agencies is needed to contribute to the development of sustainable income collection.

  10.  Local governments can use the mapping system and property registers to manage various aspects such as the provision of elderly welfare, disaster prevention, public health, planning and infrastructure management.

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